The original inspiration for this blog was my cousin, a man who himself, during college, wrote a blog about sports. However, unlike the analytical master I have proven to be during my tenure as a blogger, he relied, perhaps to better results, on his wit and vulgarity. This lead, unfortunately, to his inability to continue his blogging career, once he got a stable job, and had a necessity for a clean image. When I began my writing, I had a similar dilemma, as I hoped my blog would look good on college applications, and thus was unable to use much vulgar language. Well now that that whole process is over, I'd like to welcome you all back, and get some things of my chest:
Fuck those motherfucking Detroit Tigers, you goddamn abusers of the MLB system. A team should get like a 1-0 lead in a series for having a regular season record 10 games better than the other team. Because my Oakland A's were more than fucking deserving of an ALCS birth this year. So Justin Verlander can suck it, I'm glad that fat mother fucker Pablo Sandoval wiped the floor with his ass.
I think that the NFL needs a whole article to talk about the clusterfuck that is the AFC, and the problem of Tim Tebow, and all the other stuff that has happened in the past calendar year, so I'll save that for later. But I would like to talk about college football for a second. Alabama, the current number 1 in the country, is clearly leaps and bounds ahead of any other team. At this point I think they could probably even beat the Chiefs. Further, there needs to be a reexamination of the ranking process, but that too I will talk about in another post.
Going back a little farther, I'd like to say that for everyone who made jokes about LeBron not having a ring, or selling out for Miami, you can shut your fucking mouth. Never before has a man been this dominant in his sport in one year (NBA Championship, MVP Award, Olympic gold medal), yes including Michael. All of that talk needs to stop now, and we all need to be ready for him to be dominant for the foreseeable future, even with the addition of Nash and Howard in LA.
That's it for now, but be ready, because this is a new era of blogging, mother fuckers.
Swearing is good. Real good. I also feel good about the Tide's chances against the Chiefs.