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The Truly Hectic World of Sports

For the past couple of weeks, the world of sports has basically been following it's biological calendar. The NBA playoffs are in their conference finals, along with the NHL, and the MLB season is going strong. Now is the time to solely attempt to bring everyone up to speed.

For the most part, the MLB season is going as planned. The Rays, Yankees, and Red Sox sit atop the AL East, as always. And teams like the Phillies and Cardinals are following suit, as usual. BUT WAIT! WHAT'S THIS?!?!?! The Cleveland Indians have the best record in baseball? The apocalypse must be upon us. But, not really. Most teams have barely played 40 games, and teams can have good years. So for now, the jumbled MLB will just have to remain that, and as always, things will end up the same in the end, with the East claiming the title. Sorry, no repeat Giants fans.

Anyway, the NHL is also having playoffs, so yeah, you can do your own research there............

And finally, the NBA. The Heat, who may have had the most over hyped, yet inconsistent season in recent memory, have actually found themselves in the Eastern Conference Finals. And despite losing game 1, pulled out a win over Derrick Rose's Bulls tonight. On the other side, Dirk Nowitzki proved his worth last night, single handedly  dismantling the Thunder. But that series, too, will most likely be close. Thus, this period of time in the NBA is the most exciting, yet perhaps the most nerve-wrecking, as teams prep for the Finals.

So, maybe I didn't need to tell anyone any of this, but for the time being, this is a recommendation to keep watching, and take notes, so that I can use my time more wisely.


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