So, I tend to call this period of the sports year "downtime". The only sport in full swing is baseball (no I didn't mean for there to be any irony there). And when baseball is midway through the season, there are no real stories to cover. It can be even further affirmed that this is true when the vast majority of stories on ESPN are concerned with tennis and women's soccer... Yeah, who knew the women's World Cup was this week, it's so exciting.

Anyway, the whole point I am trying to make, is that whereas I usually am able to take this time to marvel over blockbuster trades in both professional basketball and football, the masterminds behind the NFL and NBA (Goodell and Stern), are doing everything in their power to make sure that doesn't happen. I yearn for the days of
Lebron James'
The Decision, and talk of
Brett Favre's third comeback. But instead, my summer has been haunted by talks of Collective Bargaining Agreements. And seeing as I am not an economics major, none of this shit makes any sense to me. It seems that all they are arguing about, is who should get more millions of dollars next year. As far as I'm concerned, as long as the players and owners are millionaires, there should be no complaining. Furthermore, it's ridiculous to think that players, the most educated of whom have communications degrees from places like Oregon and Texas, should have any say in the series of events that have been unfolding. I say, leave the negotiations up to the owners, the people actually familiar with distributing money.
In all honesty, I don't care if the owners don't make 3 billion dollars next year, I just want my trade rumors back!!!
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